So this is day one of my blog. So where do I start....
Ok. I could autobiographize my life, talking about my childhood in Maine, my terrifying move to Washington county, my undergraduate English studies complete with feminist theory courses, my physical therapy graduate studies (where I spent more time in my underwear among my peers than I care to remember), and of course my historically tumultuous love life that is currently "A"mazing. But anyone reading this blog probably knows the stories I tell in excruciating detail, complete with my awkward sidebar comments and brainy metaphors.
So here's the shortcut version: I'm Awesome. That's right..I described myself with perhaps the most overused and meaningless word in the English language. I inspire awe in a number of ways as noted by my friends, details below:
"A"rrogent: I speak freely about my awesomeness...whats the harm in that?:)
"A" Student: yeah, I'm a smart kid. In the classroom and in the clinic.
"A"ss: I speak freely about other people's lack of awesomeness, and am not afraid to point out flaws in arguments or closed minded thinking. I make people justify opinions with something objective, which makes me an ass who inspires intelligent conversation. Its legendary really.
"A"pathetic: I am a strong critic of people who take a "love, sunshine, and happiness" approach to life. While all valuable in a small way, the ideal of love sunshine and happiness as change agents independent of skill, intelligence, and effort is appalling. They are for people content with their place in life and the places of others around them, with no concern for advocacy or the greater good.
But the bigger message is that I'm not afraid to be myself. Conformity to a "herd mentality" isn't me and tailoring messages to fit a persona is something I will never do. I love life, I do what I want, and go to bat for people that I love. If you aren't afraid to be an arrogant, apathetic ass, you can succeed in places where love, sunshine, and happiness only dream of penetrating.
That's all for today... Happy 2010.
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I look forward to reading this!!!